Tuesday 23 November 2021

Some Warmth For Uncle Bill

    My 96 year old uncle doesn’t have access to the internet, but he is now visiting for Thanksgiving with his daughter’s family in Tennessee.  I was texted a photo of him yesterday, iPad in hand, reading through my blogs.  After seeing all my snow pictures, he jokingly remarked, “Doesn’t he have any from Florida, where it’s warm?”

    Well no, I don’t really have any photos from Florida, but I went looking for shots from other warm places that I could put on the blog to warm him up.

    Above is a beach photograph from Isla Mujeres, an island across from Cancun, Mexico.  Next is a picture I took in 1991 when we travelled to Hawaii to view an eclipse.  At the very bottom is a photo of the salt flats in Death Valley.  Hopefully these pictures will help neutralize the chill Uncle Bill got from all my snowy photographs.

View my paintings at:  davidmarchant2.ca

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