Tuesday 8 February 2022

Five Easy Pieces

    Yesterday we noticed that Koeneman Park had enough spots clear of snow, to allow us to walk Kona there.  When we pulled into the parking area, I also noticed that there were some pieces of split firewood laying along the side of the road.  There were deep ruts in the snow at the edge of the road so I assume that they had fallen from someone’s pickup when they drove into the ditch and maneuvered to get back onto the road.  

    I hated to see the roadside littered up with the pieces of firewood, so I picked them up and put them into the car, drove them home, and stacked them with my firewood.

    After living in the Robson Valley for 40 years and annually struggle to cut, split, and stack enough firewood to get us through the winter, when I see some firewood just laying there unclaimed on the side of the road, I pick it up.

    Every time I venture unto a logging road, I always keep an eye out for trees that have been downed and not used, so in the spring when I go out to get firewood, I can cut them up, if no one else has beaten me too it.

    Even through yesterday’s find was just five pieces, they will keep the wood stove going for a couple of hours.  I was happy to add it to my pile.

You can view my paintings at:  davidmarchant2.ca


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