Thursday 3 December 2020

Going Postal


    Going “Postal” generally means totally “losing” it to the extent you start shooting people.  I am not at at that stage, but I am mad.

    At this time of year I send out my “Family” calendars; calendars that have a photo of my relatives on the date of their birthday.  In years past, I would cart the envelopes that held the calendars down to the post office so they could measure them, weigh them, and tell me how much postage is due.          

    This year I went to the Canada Post website, so I could save time for the local post office staff and all of those people waiting in line behind me.  The website had two categories of things to be mailed:  “Documents”, and “Parcels”. 

    I figured my calendar, which are made up of 13 sheets of paper bound by a 1/4 inch plastic comb was a “document”, and it fit with the measurements provided under the “Document” category, and so after measuring and weighing the calendars and envelopes, I attached the required postage.  (I had bought $45 worth of stamps yesterday, that I could use).

    I sealed up the envelopes and put the needed amount of stamps on them and drove into town and deposited them in the mailbox outside of the Post Office.  

    This morning I got a call from the postmistress and was informed that there was not enough postage on the calendars I mailed because my 13 page calendars in a flat envelope were surprisingly, not a “Document” after all, but a “Parcel”.  I was and still am royally pissed off.

    I still have a lot of calendars yet to mail, so I guess from now on I will just take all of the addressed envelopes into town, stand in line, and watch the line of other post office customers grow behind me, while the Post Office worker, do all of the measuring and weighing, since their website doesn’t provide the correct information for me to do it.

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