Wednesday 19 June 2024

"Passage of Time" Exhibit

    Not wasting any time after the close of the Quilt Show at McBride’s Valley Museum, the show “Passage of Time” is now on display, featuring art works on that theme.  I contributed two of my paintings for the show:  “Patina” and “Tail Light”.

                              Patina                                                                          Tail Light

    Both of these images came from my old 1977 GMC Pickup truck.  Here is what I wrote about them:

Patina and Tail Light

At first glance, these two paintings appear to be images of truck parts.

Patina, shows the area between the front driver’s side wheel-well and part of the door, and of course, Tail Light, shows the tail light, but when I chose to paint them, I was not trying to illustrate truck parts, but hoping instead, to communicate something about the “ravages of time”.

Time degrades everything.

Imagine how this GMC pickup looked in 1977, when it rolled off of the assembly line.  It was all shiny and smooth, but like all things, time takes its toll.  Over its lifetime, the truck was scraped, scratched, dented, and began to rust.   The scars it received record the history of how it was used, (and abused).

What attracted me to these two images (beside the colors they possessed) were how the damage they had incurred over time, recorded a story of their lifetime, just like the scars, scratches, and physical damage that my own aging body had accumulated record the story of my life.  Both are a physical record of what had been experienced over the time we existed.

View my other paintings at:


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