Friday 28 June 2024

My Changing Wild Lawn

    My lawn is not a monoculture, I strive to keep it on the wild side, so that it provides some benefit to the pollenating insects.  While my lawn may look shabby compared to those sterile, groomed mono-cultured lawns, I think mine is healthier and certainly more sustainable, and I like to think I am helping Mother Nature out.  In doing so, I can watch the succession, the ebb and flow, of the different plants, each with their own schedule for blooming.

    Back on my May 23rd blog, I had a photo showing my lawn’s patches of Forget-me-nots  and dandelions that were blooming.  Their blooming cycle has now finished, and I have mowed them down.  Now it is the Daisies, Buttercups, and Clover that are in bloom.  I will let them bloom until they start to decline, then mow them down, and wait to see what blooms next.

    I enjoy seeing a bit of color and beauty scattered through my lawn.  I find that a lot more interesting than a static expanse of the same hue green.

Take a look at my paintings:


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