Tuesday 18 June 2024

Our Morning Walk Around the Pond

    Every morning, Kona and I do a walk on the path around the pond.  This time of year, that walk is full of visual delights, because of all of the flowers that are in full bloom.  On the north side of the pond, the path is like a jungle, with the plants closing in, elbowing each other to get a spot in the sun.   Kona and I often get our legs wet, walking through the leaves that are covered with rain or dew drops.  In the photo above on the lower left you can see a small clump of Siberian Iris, and the colorful elongated blooms toward the center are Lupines.


   More Lupine can be seen on the opposite side of the pond as the path continues on the dam.  Finally, in the home stretch, we get to the open pasture, with the house in sight.  It is a short walk, but I always find it interesting and peaceful.  Kona, often takes off into the woods at the far end of the pond, whenever she catches a whiff of a scent the deer left, which happens just about every time we do the walk.  I can hear her barking deep with in the forest, like she is some tough hunter.  

    I think you can see from the photos, it’s a very green world we live in during the spring and summer.


View my paintings at:  davidmarchant2.ca

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