Tuesday 25 June 2024

Memories Are Not A Steel Trap

    Yesterday, when I sat down to write my blog, it was going to have a different ending than the one that appeared.  In writing it out, I was going to say, I had always regretted not making myself get up early to go golf ball hunting with my father, and that I felt real regret and guilt about not doing so.

    Fortunately though, when I started going through my 1990 diary again, so I could write down how many golf balls my dad had found each day, I discovered that I actually had gone out in mist and darkness of early morning to accompany my father in his quest for golf balls, something my memory told me I hadn’t done.  It was a great relief to see that I had done that.

    It all goes to show, that what you remember, is often very flawed and not exactly what happened.  I have said before, how happy I am that I took the time to record the days event (even those unimportant ones), because I now realize I have forgotten and mis-remembered so many things in my life, over the decades. 

    Quite often at night, when I was tired and would really rather go straight to bed, I made myself take  the time to jot down the events of the day, and now, in my dotage, I am so happy that I did.  It is so enjoyable to clear away some of those cobwebs that are obscuring the past, and to re-live some of those events, no matter how insignificant they were.

    I found it interesting that on that Sunday, July 15, 1990, I watched “The Simpsons” for the first time.  The show didn’t start running in Canada until many months later.

View my paintings:  davidmarchant2.ca


1 comment:

  1. I do this as well. So glad now that husband has passed, that I have it to help remember the good times when we were young and dumb. :)
