Sunday 23 June 2024

Bear Scat

    While bears are a part of the environment here in the Interior of British Colombia, we rarely see them, and especially now, with Kona exploding into barking whenever she gets a sniff of any wildlife, but just because we don’t often see the bears, they often leave a “calling card” of their visit.  I found this pile of bear poop by the barn a couple of days ago.  The bear probably came through the yard overnight, when Kona was safely tucked away sleeping.  

    As you can see, bear scat is black in color, and usually spotted with seeds.  Some of the seeds in this pile look like oats, and I am not sure where the bear found them.

    The local bears don’t cause any trouble around here, except in the fall when they wreck the fruit trees in their attempt to “bulk up” for the winter.

    Below is a cartoon I did a few years ago.


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