Friday 31 May 2024

Bullseye, Unfortunately

    See the broom hanging on the wall?  I found that at the dump, many decades ago.  It’s a very heavy-duty broom, that I assumed must have been used by the railroad because on its end, it has a metal tongue-like extension.  That broom has been hanging on those hooks for ages.

    Now, see the box on the floor?  My wife put it there, for all of the things that we want to donate to the secondhand store.  In the box is a pair of sandals, and two new bowls neatly stacked, one on top of the other.  They were recently bought, but never used because they were too deep for my liking.  

    Anyway, the broom and the box sat in their places for weeks, undisturbed.  A few days ago I was taking off my rubber boots using the boot jack (you can just see a sliver of it in the bottom left corner of the photo).  As I was pulling off my boot, I lost my balance a bit, and leaned toward the wall. 

    When I did, I bumped the broom.  The broom became dislodged from the hooks that held it, then fell straight down, causing its metal tongue to pierce through those new china bowls.  A bullseye, unfortunately.

    Now instead of donating the two bowls to the secondhand store, we will be taking them to the dump.  It almost seems like the cosmos had spoken, and it didn’t want those two china bowls to be used.

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