Saturday 25 May 2024

Local Orchids

    A couple of days ago I was reading an article about scientists trying to save endangered orchids.  They discovered that for many of orchids to grow, particular kinds of fungus have to be growing in their soil.  This made me think of the orchids that grow naturally in the Robson Valley.  I don’t know if they too require a certain fungi to be in the soil.

    Like most people, I always associate orchids with the Tropics, and certainly the tropical orchids are often spectacular in appearance.  BC is home for some orchids, but generally they are not as “showy” as those in the tropics.

    I am aware of three types of orchids that grow locally.  The one in the photo above is the most beautiful of the three.  It is a Calypso Orchid.  I spotted these growing beside the trail that we take up to our waterline on Sunbeam Creek.  

    The photo above is the Mountain Ladyslipper.  They are presently blooming along the path around my pond.   I took this photo this morning.  There are also a variety of yellow Ladyslippers that are sometimes seen.  Unlike most of orchids, Ladyslippers can grow in disturbed areas, and are often seen growing in ditches along roadways.

    The third local orchid that I occasionally see is the Striped Coralroot.  I always expect them to be more beautiful, and its rather dull dark red stripes are always a bit of a disappointment.

    Like I mentioned in the introduction, a lot of orchids are endangered.  Some because their habitat is being destroyed, and others because people dig them up and try to transplant them in their gardens.

    Just let them be and enjoy seeing them in the wild, when you come upon them.

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