Wednesday 29 May 2024

Robert Frear Steals The Parade

    This weekend McBride has its big, Pioneer Days celebration.  Our little village organizes all kind of hoopla for the annual event.  Activities include a “Rock, Paper, Scissors” contest, a slo-ball softball tournament, a quilt show at the Museum, a horseshoe tournament, chicken poop bingo, a dance, a pancake breakfast, logger sports, our Jam’s concert, and of course a parade down Main Street.  

    Whenever I think of Pioneer Days, I think of the parade, which always begins with the screaming sirens and flashing lights of the RCMP, Fire Department, and Medical Emergency Vehicles.  That is followed with floats made by community organizations, cowboys and cowgirls on horses, and costumed kids on bicycles.  Before and after the parade, there is a lot of visiting done on the sidewalks, as people catch up with the news from their neighbors, friends, and acquaintances.  

    Whenever I think of the parade, I always think of Robert Frear and his motorized wheelchair.    Just before the 2014 parade started, one of the big antique truck participants, couldn’t get its engine started.  Someone (probably clever Robert Frear) came up with the idea of having the crippled huge truck towed down the Main Street by his wheelchair. 

     They put the truck into neutral, and attached a towline between the truck and Robert’s 4-wheel drive wheelchair and Robert towed the truck in the parade.  When I saw it, I assumed that it was just a stunt to make it look like it was being towed, but I later found out I was mistaken, the truck was actually being pulled by Robert Frear’s surprisingly mighty wheelchair.  

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