Friday 3 May 2024

Imported Antique Glass

    I have been busy re-roofing my greenhouse so that I can put my tomato and chili pepper plants in it.  Yesterday, as I climbed up the step ladder carrying a pane of glass, I wondered if my grandfather had once done the same thing with that pane of glass.

    The panes of glass I am using on my greenhouse came from the large commercial greenhouse that my grandfather built and used to grow tomatoes in as a business in Indiana.  Decades later, when those greenhouses were no longer viable as a business, they fell into disrepair.  By that time, during the 1980’s, I had immigrated to Canada and wanted to build myself a greenhouse, so on our trips to Indiana to visit relatives, I brought back with me, crates of that old greenhouse glass, that I could use on my greenhouse.

    I have been re-using those panes of glass on the several greenhouses I have built and rebuilt, over 40 years I have lived in BC, and I am sure they were being used at least 50 years before that, in my grandfather’s greenhouses in Indiana.  It appears that I have inherited from my family, both my urge to grow tomatoes and also, not to be wasteful.   It has always bothered me to throw things away when they could still be used.  

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