Saturday 5 March 2022

My Discombobulated Night of Movie Watching

    I remember a time in my life when I would would sit down and watch a whole movie uninterrupted, but those times have long disappeared.  I cannot recall the last time watched a movie straight through.  Now it seems things are always happening that cause me to stop the film to do other things.  Luckily, with satellite TV and downloading movies from the internet, it is no problem to pause a film or save it to continue watching later.  

    Friday night is always a good time for movies, so last night I sat down for an evening to watch.  A few days ago, I had started watching “In Tranzit,” a well done film about Nazi POWs in a harsh Russian prison camp immediately after World War II.  The camp, which had originally been set up to house women prisoners, was run by women staff and they were suddenly confronted with overseeing males.  As you might expect in a Russian prison camp, conditions were brutal and bleak.  It was winter, supplies were meager and both prisoners and prison staff were suffering.

    While the film was grim,  it was well made and well acted, and in the end, showed some humanity.  I finished the film; watching the last hour and 10 minutes, last night.

    Once that had finished, I went down to the living room to sit with Kona and watch some TV.  I noticed that the movie “August Rush” was on.  It is a film I had see a couple of times before and had always enjoyed.  The story is pretty fanciful, about an orphan boy who is a musical prodigy, a real musical genius, who runs away from the orphanage in search of his parents.  His mother, a world renowned Cellist, is out there seeking her child, who had been secretly put in the orphanage by her father.  The boy’s father, a rock musician, doesn’t know he has a son, but is desperately seeking his lost love-the cellist.  

    As you can probably guess it all turns out very satisfactorily in the end.  I have always enjoyed films about musically talented people, especially those with happy endings.  When I discovered “August Rush” was on it was already half way through, so I watched the last hour and 15 minutes of the film.

    After it ended I went back to check what other things I had recorded on the satellite TV and saw that I still had the last 25 minutes of “The Graduate” to watch.  I had watched most of the movie yesterday, but had to quit because Kona was demanding to go to bed, so I just recorded the rest of the movie, which I finished watching last night.

    “The Graduate” was very popular movie when I was in university.  When I saw it back then, I related heavily with the Dustin Hoffman character, who had just gotten out of university and was stuck, because he didn’t really know what to do with his life.

    “The Graduate” was the last of the three movies I completed last night.  I enjoyed them all and was happy to “clean the slate” of films I needed to finish.

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