Friday 24 September 2021

Wow, Look at this Mushroom

    Yesterday when I was out by the barn I came across several huge mushrooms.  I was really surprised at the size of them.  As you can see, this one is 11 inches (28cm) across.  I am no mushroom expert so I looked it up and I am pretty confident that it is “The Prince” (Agaricus augustus).  The size, color, appearance, and little skirt on the stem all match.   The Prince is edible and is considered a choice mushroom to eat, but I am not going to try it unless I get confirmation from someone who is a mushroom expert.

    I will always remember a professor in a botany class tell about poisonous mushrooms, particularly about one kind that people mistakenly eat.  They are perfectly fine for about four days, then they die, and nothing can prevent it.  That story has always made me pretty wary of what mushrooms I put in my mouth.  

    I have eaten local Morels and Shaggy Manes and would sort of like to try The Prince, but won’t until I get someone who knows, to confirm it’s identity.

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