Wednesday 4 June 2014

Jam Night and a Moose

    I always look forward to Tuesday nights.  That is when I go down to the McBride library annex and I get to play music with other musicians.  I started to write “local musicians” in that last sentence, but then I remembered that not everyone that shows up is local.  In the photo above you see who came last night.  The couple standing in the right side of the photo are on loan from England and Belgium.  They are just on a rest stop during their Canadian vacation.
    One of the interesting things about our jam night is that we are never sure who will show up.  Each participant changes the dynamics of the music, although we do usually tend to cover a core set of songs.  The range of or music ranges from folk, bluegrass, country and western, rock, and blues.  The two hours we spend at the annex always seems to go by too quickly.
    Last night as I was driving home from the jam, I was surprised to see a moose grazing on the median between McBride’s frontage road and Hwy. 16, flanked by a gas station and a restaurant.  It is common to see deer grazing there, but this is the first time I have seen a moose.  By the time I managed to get my camera out of the bag and get a photo, it had already decided that something was up, and was making its way to the shelter of the trees.

See my paintings:

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