Friday 16 August 2024

The Lens Cap

    Way back in the early 1990’s, we went on a vacation to Costa Rica.  Costa Rica is rich in tropical wildlife and we wanted to experience the jungle and the many plants and animals that lived there.  We spent a couple of days hiking the trails and exploring in the Monte Verde Cloud Forest.  

    On one of our hikes, we found ourselves on a jungle trail that snaked its way beside a river valley.  I stopped to take a photo.   At the time I used a 35mm camera and had several lens for it.  As I stood beside the barrier that was erected to prevent people from falling down the slope, I fumbled around trying to put the telephoto lens on my camera.  I got the lens on, but when I took the lens cap off, it slipped from my hand, and bounced over the edge of the slope.

    I could see where the lens had landed; it was only about 10 foot (3 m) below me, on a ledge.  It didn’t seem like it would be too dangerous to retrieve it, so I climbed over the barrier, and carefully made my way down the steep slope to get it.  When I got down to the spot where the lens ways lying, I reached for the lens cap, and got a surprise.  Just a couple of feet (60cm) away from it, sat another camera lens cap that someone else had evidently dropped from exactly the same outlook spot.

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