Tuesday 27 August 2024

I Think I Will Just Let That Fallen Branch Be

     We had a downpour overnight and during the tempest the wind dislodged a willow branch and blew it down close to the giant hornet’s nest that has been growing on the edge of our carport.  Normally I would take the branch away, but I decided not to do anything that might spook the hornets.  I noticed  that there were five hornets just sitting on the side of their nest, which is a bit unusual.  I wondered if they were there to keep an eye on the threatening branch.

    So far we have been able to peacefully co-exist with the hornets, and they have tolerated our constant walking back and forth, a little more than a foot (30 cm) under their nest.

    In the past when hornets have built nests on some of my out buildings, suddenly in the fall I find the nests all torn to pieces.  It looked like something had attacked and destroyed the nest, looking for food.  Some of those nests were located rather high, so I don’t think it was a bear.  I will be interested to see if that happens with this hornet’s nest.

You can view my paintings at:  davidmarchant2.ca

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