Wednesday 14 August 2024

Some People Should Not Be Given Authority

    Sometimes being given a little authority, goes to some people’s head.  Last night at our jam, Ernie gave an example of someone he ran into, that is a good example.

    When the wildfire destroyed one third of the Jasper townsite, Highway 16 that runs through Jasper was closed to traffic.  It was closed for weeks.  Highway 16 is one of the few major transportation links between BC and Alberta.

    A week ago the highway was reopened to traffic, but with strict restrictions.  The Jasper townsite is still closed (even to the residents who were evacuated) and drivers going through the 60 miles of Highway 16 that runs through Jasper National Park are not allowed to stop, even to go to the bathroom.

    When the highway re-opened to traffic, Ernie who lives in the Robson Valley, had to return a vehicle that belonged to his father who lives in Edmonton.  That meant he had to drive through Jasper National Park.  Ernie works in a tourist information site in BC, so he knew all about the restrictions.  He was also aware of an outhouse, just outside of the Jasper Park entrance, and he planned to use it before going through the park.

    When he got to the Park Entrance, there were a lot of “authorities” hanging around.  He stopped and got out of his car to use the outhouse, and was immediately confronted by an officer who demanded to know why he had stopped.  Ernie explained he was going to use the outhouse.  The official said he couldn’t and told him there were many signs telling travelers they were not allowed to take washroom breaks while going through the park.

    Ernie pointed to the outhouse and said that it was outside of the park.  The guy was confused with the information, but told Ernie, “Okay, you can use the outhouse.”

    Ernie walked over to the outhouse and opened the door.  When he did, he was shocked to discover a female officer sitting in there doing her thing.  He embarrassingly apologized and immediately shut the door. 

    When she came out, she was furious, asking Ernie in a strict voice, “What are you doing here, Buster”

    Ernie calmly told her, he was just going to use the facilities.  She repeated the lines of the other official, saying there were several signs stating that no washroom stops were permitted in the park.  Ernie, then repeated, that he and the outhouse were not “in the park.”  Nevertheless, she denied him the use of the outhouse, saying that the government had paid for the toilet paper. (?)  

    Ernie replied that he wasn’t going to use any toilet paper.  Flummoxed, she told Ernie, he still couldn’t use the outhouse.

    Ernie said, “Okay, I will just go behind the outhouse to pee,”  which he proceeded to do, then got back in his car and headed through Jasper Park to Edmonton.

    Hearing a story like this makes me wonder why people who seem to possess no humanity or reason, are allowed to get jobs of authority.  I once had a university professor who said people that really want to be a cop, are the types that should never be allowed to be one.

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