Saturday 10 August 2024


    Last night as I took Kona out for her last pee, I noticed the moon was just dipping behind the mountains.  It was quite striking to me, and I wanted to take a photo, but I had left it in the house.  A s usual when I am in a hurry, Kona took her sweet time, sniffing here, then sniffing there, then moving on to sniff somewhere else, needing to find the perfect spot to pee.

     I was afraid the moon would totally sink and disappear before I could go into the house to get my camera and take the photo. Finally Kona did find the right spot and we came into the house and I was able to grab my camera and rush back outside to take the photo.

    Strangely, seeing this sliver of the moon setting seemed so unusual, even though it must happen all of the time.  I think part of my peaked interest was due the fact that there was just a sliver of the moon setting.   I guess I normally I only pay more attention when it a full moon.  

Take a look at my paintings:


1 comment:

  1. That is the most interesting picture of the moon I have ever seen. You can see the curvature and almost tell the dark part of the moon is there. I really really love this shot. Also , the comparison to the Earth helps it be so outstanding. Good timing Kona!
