Monday 27 April 2015

Book Deja Vu

    Reading is one of my favorite pastimes.  How many times has it happened that I pick up a fresh book to read and as I begin to plow through it, start to think, “this sounds familiar, or “wait a minute, I know what happens next,” then realize that I have already read the book.  Today’s blog isn’t exactly about that  that kind of deja vu, but is about picking out books that you figure will be an interesting read.
    Because I read a lot, and get twitchy when I am without anything to read, I am constantly on the lookout for books to read to keep in storage for meager times.  Because I am a cheapskate by nature, I very rarely buy a new book, instead I look for free books, library books, or second hand books.  Since I am always looking for, and finding books I think I would like to read, I don’t always get around to reading them right away.  Once they are home I set them aside, and then start reading them when I get done with whatever I am reading at the time.
    Some time ago I found this thick Wilbur Smith book and had it sitting by my bedside for a couple of months.  Finally, I started reading it.  It is a swash-buckling adventure that takes place in the jungles and  deserts of Africa.  I always read historical fiction, but usually the things I read are not so adventurous, but I have been enjoying the book.  
    The other day, as I was walking to my computer in my office, I glanced up at the book shelf and saw the book.  
    “How did it get here?”  I wondered.  Then figured that Joan must have not realized that I was currently reading it and put it on the shelf.  I picked up the book and took it to put back on the bed stand, only to discover that the same book was already there.
    I guess I already had found one copy of the book and stashed it away for future reading and didn’t realized it when I came upon the second copy which I grabbed it for the same purpose.  I am going to blame all this forgetfulness on old age.

Look at my paintings:

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