Wednesday 6 November 2013

Cat In The Box

    Way back on Dec. 27th of last year I wrote a blog about how my productivity was declining because Lucifer, our cat, was continually sitting in front of my computer monitor watching the cursor move around and obstructing my view.  I also told of my solution to the problem which was making a pile of stuff in front of the computer so the cat would have to stand elsewhere.  Almost immediately after posting the blog, my brother wrote me an email and said that if I put a box on my desk the cat would curl up in the box instead of standing in front of my monitor.
    Things move very slowly up here and just about a year later I still hadn’t given the box trick a try.  Then a few weeks ago my cousin sent me a link for a really entertaining video showing all kinds and sizes of cats trying to squeeze into all sort of small spaces.   Here is that link:

    After watching the video, I saw how much cats liked to be in small containers and I remembered the tip about putting a box on my desk for the cat.  Yesterday, while Joan and I were out in my shop, Joan, who is always trying to get rid of things, was dismantling a cardboard box, getting it ready for recycling.   
    When I realized it was just the right size for Lucifer.  I got the box and reconstructed it using some duct tape and cleared a space on my desktop and put it there, beside the computer.  This morning as I was painting my square, Lucy jumped up on the desk, sniffed around at the box and got in it and relaxed while she watched me paint.

See my paintings at

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