Wednesday 31 May 2017

Everything Happens on the Same Day

    Why does everything always happen on the same day?  Weeks go by without anything happening, then suddenly you get a day when everything seems to happen.  Yesterday was one of those days for me.
    I ordered myself a PA system online for our music jam, and have been anxiously awaiting its arrival.  It has been weeks in coming and I have been tracking it as it got closer and closer.  It was scheduled to arrive in McBride for pick up yesterday.
    Our jam group is supposed to play this weekend for McBride’s “Pioneer Days.”  I bought the PA system for that.  Of course it is important that we practice some of our songs too.  We meet every Tuesday night and last Tuesday we couldn’t practice because of a power outage that left all of McBride in the dark.    Having missed that practice opportunity, it made this week’s Tuesday jam all that more important.
    As it happened, yesterday was also a long awaited appointment in Prince George with a periodontist.  Prince George is a two and a half hour drive away, and the appointment was a 3:30 so getting home to the jam practice was going to be tight.  It would be hectic, but doable, but I wouldn’t be around to pick up the long awaited PA system.
    Yesterday when we got up, ready to drive to Prince we got a surprise--no water.  The hot weather has been melting a lot of snow up on top of the mountains, and all the debris coming down the creek must have clogged our water system.  It meant that I had to scramble up there to the waterfalls to see if  I could fix it before heading off to Prince George.
    It is very unsafe up at the waterfalls, more so this time of year when the water is running so hard.  We don’t go up alone, two people have to go in case of an accident.  Glen, a neighbor who always goes up with me, is away, and none of the other neighbors was available to help, so I called our friend Alec to give me a hand.  He came and despite the torrents of water coming down the falls we were able to get the water going again.
    Once that was done, I was off to PG.  It didn’t take long to pick up all the supplies we needed and then I still had a couple of hours to kill before the doctor’s appointment.  I didn’t have anywhere else in Prince I needed to go, and it was a very hot day, so I just went to the doctor’s office hoping they could slip me in early thus allowing me to get back to McBride early.
    It didn’t work that way.  In fact I wasn’t able to see the doctor until 4:00 and didn’t get out of there until 6.  I grabbed a fast food meal to eat as I drove home and headed to McBride knowing that I would miss the first half of our jam, but at least we could rehearse for an hour.  
    Things changed however once I got home.  I couldn’t believe it, there was another power outage going on in McBride for the second Tuesday in a row.  I guess some of our jam group got to practice for an hour, but it looks like we will be performing our Pioneer Day gig “cold turkey”.
    It sure would be nice to have things spread out a bit rather than all happening on the same day.

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