Monday 15 May 2017

Dunster Yard Sale 2017: Books

    Yesterday was the big annual Mother’s Day Yard Sale at the hamlet of Dunster.  This year, instead of just going and perusing the bargains, I participated in the selling.  We have been wanting to eliminate one of our many bookcases at home, so we weeded through the volumes and ended up with six boxes of books we could part with.
    These days, selling books is a tricky thing.  With all the information available online, having books seems redundant.  That plus the fact, at least around here, that there are lots of places you can get books for free, makes selling books dicy.
    Our goal was not to make money, but just see that the books went to good homes, so we priced them cheap, and fortunately I managed to sell about half of them.  People often paid me more than what the price was.  
    Selling half of them of course, meant that when the sale was over I had to cart all the books that hadn’t sold back home, much to Joan’s chagrin.  Hopefully another selling opportunity will soon arise.

Take a look at my paintings:

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