Thursday 9 January 2020

Media Rich

    I decided to look up Jan. 9 on my 1976 diary to see if I could come up with a topic for this blog.  The thing that caught my eye on that entry was this:  “We could get a radio station at 4:00 for some reason.”  For three years when I was teaching in a remote one-room school up near Takla Lake, BC it was a rare thing to hear a radio station (a television station was an impossibility).  Living without the media was quite a shock to a news junkie like myself.
    Like I said there was no television, very rarely we could we pick up a radio station, and we had no telephone.   We did subscribe to several magazines in an attempt to stay somewhat current, but they usually arrived weeks after they hit the news stands.  We pretty much lived in a media void.
    Our lives today are so much different.  Even though we now still live in a really isolated rural place, we have access to a media glut.  We’ve got satellite television, radio any time we turn it on, and most of all we have the internet to instantly inform us about anything that’s happening in the world. 
    I read through the news daily on my iPad and usually tune in to a couple of news shows.  There are movies, and TV series that can be watched live or streamed at my convenience.   Our problem now is not that don’t have any media, today the problem is trying not to over load yourself with it.

You can see my paintings at:

1 comment:

  1. Yes, some days a person just has to unplug and enjoy nature and friends and books.
