Tuesday 21 March 2017

Joan Gets It Together

    My mom was a great quilter.  She loved spending many an hour hand sewing a rainbow of colored cloth together to make quilts.  She was a member of “The Piecemakers,” a quilting group that met weekly at her church to quilt.  They were a well known group, who yearly traveled up to the Indiana State Fair, dressed up as pioneer women to demonstrate their craft.  
    Often people would donate pieces of partially finished quilts to the group for them to finish.  At some time in the past someone donated a box of very tiny postage stamp-size cut out pieces of someone’s  unfinished dream quilt.  No one in the group was crazy enough to want to try to make something of all of those pieces, so my mom took the box home.  She knew someone just crazy enough to maybe do it.
    She gave the pieces to Joan as a “present”.   Joan stuck them away for a decade or so, and periodically got the box out and mulled over the pieces, slowly shook her head, then put the pieces back in the closet.  Over the last few months, Joan became more determined to do something with all of those tiny pieces, which were cut to two different sizes, just to make things more complicated.  After a lot of thinking and playing around with design, she decided on something she liked and got to work piecing them together.
    It seemed an impossible task to me, but she stuck with it and last week finished sewing all those tiny pieces of fabric together, and created the top of a quilt that you see in the photo above.  She has now added a bottom piece and sandwiched the batting in between and has begun the actual quilting.  Below is a close-up of the center section.

Check out my paintings:  www.davidmarchant.ca

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