Tuesday 13 February 2024

"Oh Yeah, Our Food"

    Yesterday we decided to order some Chinese take-out for supper.  I called Ray at his restaurant with our order then waited for the twenty minute cook time before showing up to pick up the order.  When I walked in, I saw Ray come out from the back with a guitar.

    A couple of months ago, while waiting for an order, Ray mentioned something about a guitar, and I hadn’t been aware that he played.  Guitars have always helped me get through those low times growing up, and given me some of the most fun experiences in my life, so I am always happy to talk about guitars and help people who might need help with playing one.  

    Ray seemed like a beginner, so next time we ordered Chinese, I gave him a book of guitar chords that I no longer used.  He was very grateful, but a bit overwhelmed since the chord book showed 4,004 different guitar chords, about 3,980 more than anybody needed.

    Yesterday, when I walked in, Ray told me his classical-type guitar with nylon strings was out of tune and he asked me if I could tune it for him.  I was happy to oblige.  

    Ray’s guitar was way out of tune, and since I had my iPhone with me, I whipped it out and opened up the app that I use for tuning my guitar.  Ray who didn’t know such an app existed, and was fascinated when I showed him how you just plucked a string and a pointer would move toward a green line, as you turned the guitars tuning pegs up or down, until you arrived at the right pitch and the app would “Ding”

    He asked me if he could get such an app on his phone, and I saw that he also had an iPhone so he could.  Ray wasn’t familiar with the App Store, so I showed him the icon, opened it, and then “clicked” on the looking glass icon to find the guitar tuning app.  When the space came up to type in the name of the app, I was surprised to see that there was no keyboard that came up on the screen, just some Chinese characters on the bottom, which left me confused.  Ray saw my confusion and did something to bring the English keyboard onto the screen.

    I then typed in the name of the app, and when it came up, and we downloaded it.  When it was open, Ray used it to re-check the tuning on his guitar.

    I was enjoying helping Ray with his guitar, forgetting all about the time, and then realized why I was in the restaurant:   I was there to pick up our supper.  “Oh yeah, the takeout.” 

    I was sure, my wife was home wondering what happened to me and our food, so Ray went back into the kitchen and brought out our order, and after paying, I hurried home to my hungry wife.

View my paintings:  davidmarchant2.ca


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