Tuesday 18 August 2020

Nature's Bounty, Finally

    This has been a pretty horrible summer for our garden, with all of the rain, standing water, and cool temperatures, but fortunately some veggies liked those conditions and now we are starting to get some benefits from our gardening.  We have already eaten several green cabbages, and yesterday we ate our first red cabbage.  
    Although it is a month later than usual, the peas are really coming in, and we have frozen several bags of peas for the winter.  The zucchini is already starting to get away from us.  I have dug a few potatoes, but most of them will stay in the ground to get bigger.
    The thing we look forward to the most are the tomatoes from the greenhouse.  Nothing tastes as good as home-grown tomatoes.  Already our pantry is being filled with canned tomatoes from the greenhouse, and we ate our first salsa of the year, a couple of days ago.
    As I stated in an earlier blog, I was embarrassed at how poorly the garden looked for months, every time I walked past it, and it is now gratifying to finally see some positive results from our labors.

You can check out my photo-realistic paintings at:  davidmarchant2.ca

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