Monday 30 October 2017

Community Pasture

    We usually take Skye, our dog, out to walk in places where there isn’t any traffic, so we often walk down unused roads, where there isn’t much for her to smell.  She is a very fearful dog and doesn’t like to walk where she is enclosed with bush and can’t see all around her.  Yesterday I thought I’d take her out to the community pasture for our walk.  All the cows are gone and it is a very open space where you can see far into the distance.
    She loved it.  She scampered around with her nose into overdrive.  She went from one clump of grass to the next smelling for mice.  I saw a couple rodents scramble from the back end of a clump of grass while she was checking out the front end.  She was a very contented dog.
    I did see a coyote hunting mice out in the distance, but Skye was too pre-occupied to notice it.  The sky was clear, the mountains blue, and it was a very enjoyable afternoon.

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1 comment:

  1. Community pasture, intriguing, will use the google to inquire.
    Good for Skye, freedom makes us all content.
