Sunday 8 September 2024

Swordplay in the Park

    Yesterday was the Robson Valley Art & Culture Council’s “Maker Faire” at  the Koeneman Park.  I was expecting to see many of the craft demonstrations that I had seen before, like knitting, spinning, quilting, and instrument making, but I was surprised when I came upon a couple of tables displaying swords and armor.   I knew Randy Packer from our library’s writing group (he has written some novels), but I had no clue he was into all of the medieval armor, swords, and related paraphernalia.  

    It seems he has been studying it for years.  He has learned to construct many of the objects in his collection.  I had noticed an area in the park that was ribboned off, but didn’t know why until Randy and his kilted friend, walked the group over to it, to demonstrate a sword fight.  Before the slashing sabers began demonstrating a duel, he cautioned the onlookers giving us warnings about the dangers and warned everyone to stand back.

    Even though I have often said it before, I will say it again:  I am always surprised at the amazing, unusual, and varied talent we have in our little isolated community.

Take a look at my paintings:


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