Thursday 5 September 2024

Disappearing Sunlight

     Now that it is September, it is really starting to be apparent that the days are getting shorter.  The photo shows the sun dipping behind the mountains at 7:15 yesterday.  Usually if the weather is nice our jam plays outside on the Train Station porch, but on Tuesday, the weather was very nice, but we played inside in the Station Lobby because with our shortening days, if we played outside, we would have to cut our playing time short, because of darkness.  A couple of months ago, I could watch the sunset when I drove home from the Jam, now it is dark.

    It is only during this time of year and during a period in the spring, that from our house, we can see the sun setting behind the mountains.  In peak summer, the sun sets way to the right of this photo, and not behind the mountains, but at the end of the valley.  During the winter, the sun stays low on the eastern horizon and for us, and the sunset is totally obscured by trees.

    Living where we do in the “North,” we become very attuned to the changes in the seasons.

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