Sunday 29 September 2024

My Selective Service Classification Decision

             I knew that for a week or so, the future of my life would remain in limbo, as the local Draft Board made their decision as to what my classification would be, but as I left the Selective Service office and stood again in the dark hallway, I experienced one of the proudest moments of my life.  I had stood up for the things I believed in and I didn’t waver, even though it might mean a jail sentence in the future.   I had not cowered in the face of one of the strongest forces on Earth; the US Government.   

    There were no hearty handshakes, shouts of congratulations, or cheers.  It was just me, alone in the hallway, full of an inner pride, because I had figured out what the right thing to do was, and then I had done it.

    Finally the letter from the local Draft Board arrived.  I opened it and was dismayed, but not entirely surprised to discover that they had rejected my appeal, and that I would continue with the 1-A-O Classification.   The letter did hold out some small hope, it said I could appeal the decision to the Indiana State Draft Board.  I immediately grasped at that last straw, and sent a letter to the state board appealing the decision of my local board.

    I was gratified to learn that I didn’t have to show up for an interview with the Indiana State Draft Board, only my file was sent up to Indianapolis, and their decision would just be based on my file, not on how long my hair was.  I was hopeful that they would judge me by my beliefs and the things I had written.

    A letter from the State Board eventually arrived stating that I had been reclassified as a 1-O Conscientious Objector, so I would not have to become  part of the military, but instead I would have to serve two years doing “Alternative Service,” something I was quite willing to do.

Take a look at my paintings:


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