Saturday 7 September 2024

Every Breath You Take

    So here we go again.

    I stepped outside this morning and smelled the smoke.  Our mountains had disappeared from view, somewhere behind the hazy blanket of forest fire smoke that filled the air.  Fortunately for us, the smoke emanates not from a forest fire close to us, but from a distant one probably hundreds of miles away, but we still get to breathe the smoke, and our bodies will continue to be degraded for breathing in its tiny harmful particles.

    The forests of British Columbia continue to burn, luckily, not in the three hundreds as earlier in the summer, but there are still forest fires out there, and people are still having to evacuate their homes because of them.   It has now become something that happens every summer, but it is not something that is easy to get used to.

    Big Oil and their already wealthy investors, still talk the “Green” talk, while increasing production and quietly investing in messages “pooh-poohing” their effects on climate change.  Most people continue to live their lives ignoring science, as the environment becomes worse and worse.  It is horrifying to realize that all of the increasing environmental problems that are occurring today, won’t disappear, but will become increasingly worse every year of the future.

    Sorry, I’ll get off of my soapbox, but I am fearing and hating what is happening to Mother Earth.

 Take a look at my paintings:

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