Wednesday 30 October 2019

Another Jam Over

    It being Wednesday means that I have to wait another whole seven days before our Tuesday Night Jam session at the McBride Library happens again.  We had a big turnout last night, as you can see from the photo, but we are on the verge of loosing three of the musicians.  One is going back to her home in France, another winters in Mexico, and the third is in the process of moving to Valemount which is an hour’s drive away.  Nevertheless it is still a far cry from the four or five people that used to show up when we first started the jam in 2014.
    Last night we played our typical wide range of songs:  Folk, Rock, Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel.  We played “City of New Orleans,” “House of the Rising Sun,”  “Life’s Railway to Heaven,” “Early Morning Rain,” Joni Mitchell’s “For Free,” the bluesy gospel: “Take My Hand Precious Lord,” Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode,” Randy Newman’s “Rider in the Rain,” and Gillian Welsh’s, “Tear My Stillhouse Down.”  We also played “Stewball,”  “Wagon Wheel,” “Good Night Irene,” “Long Black Veil,” and some others that I don’t remember.
    The whole idea of our jam is to have fun playing music, and I do every Tuesday.  The participants and songs change every week, but I find it always enjoyable.

Take a look at my paintings:

1 comment:

  1. Good for the soul. All look happy. I don't play an instrument , but wish I did.
