Sunday 28 April 2024

A Mice Invasion

    As regular readers know, I have been going plowing through my old diaries, looking for the interesting bits, and since I really didn’t have anything current to blog about today, I picked out something from my 1989 diary to blog about.  

    In the fall, we generally have an influx of mice sneak into our house, figuring that food and warmth were more readily available there, than outside, living under the snow. 

    I always hate to kill animals, especially something like mice, that are very important food source for a lot of other animals and hunting birds during the winter, so I would catch them in a live trap, then during the night when I heard them rattling around in the trap trying to get out, I would get up, pick up the trap, and drive it to some distant wooded area in the neighborhood, and let the captives out.  This of course, was not conducive to a restful night of sleep, but I made myself do it.  

    Below is some mice  information from my 1989 diary:

September was prime mice season in our house.  My dairy tallied the catches in our live trap:

Sept. 2nd - 1 mouse

Sept. 3rd - 1 mouse

Sept. 4th - 2 mice

Sept. 5th - 3 mice

Sept. 6th - 1 mouse

Sept. 8th - 3 mice

Sept. 11th-2 mice

Sept. 12th-1 mouse

I did of course, have to drive all of these captured mice out to some distant point in the neighborhood and release them into the woods.  Fortunately, by the middle of September, we caught no more mice in the house.

You can see my paintings at:


1 comment:

  1. Have you ever read any of Scott and Helen Nearing's books? They counted all sorts of things and kept track. You would enjoy them . I would recommend them for reading material. A little lighter than your usual .
