Tuesday 1 October 2024

Seasonal Changeover

     After a longer, drier, and hotter than usual summer, we suddenly find ourselves in fall.  Things have certainly changed, with the advent of cooler and wetter weather.  This change has me removing all of the summer things in preparation for winter.

    Since forest fires are no longer a threat, the photo shows me unscrewing the hose of one of the outside building sprayers, that gave me a small bit of hope during fire season.  This year I put up five of the sprayers; four on our house and one on my shop.

    Yesterday, I moved all of the lawn furniture off of our “lanai”, which changed it back to a carport, since I don’t think we will be spending much time sitting outside until next spring.

    Today is the day BC drivers have to have changed over from summer tires on their vehicles, to winter tires.  I had mine done two weeks ago.  Winter tires are not just for traveling on ice and snow; they also give better grip on the pavement when temperatures get colder than 7°C   (45°F) because they are made with softer rubber.

    Other things that I need to do before winter hits is dig all of the potatoes, clean out the greenhouse and garden, and plant the garlic.   I can then put the rototiller and all of the garden tools away and get out the snowblower and snow shovels.

    Luckily, last winter was so mild, that I didn’t really have to cut more firewood, because I had so much left over from last winter.  

    At present, the leaves of the deciduous trees are beginning to yellow, and so we can enjoy the color before the grays and whites of winter take over.

Take a look at my paintings:  davidmarchant2.ca

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