Sunday 28 July 2024

Our Wild-Looking Garden


    Surprisingly, after weeks of extreme heat and an extended drought, recent rains have brought our garden back to life.  This is what it looked like yesterday.  As you can see, I am a chaotic gardener.  When weeding, I always spare the poppy plants (bright red and pinkish), so they come up haphazardly.  The taller delphiniums (bluish violet) and Maltese Cross flowers (orange) also come up every year to add to the confusion.

     Those are potato plants in the foreground, with a row of reddish-green lettuce beside them.    You can’t really make out the cabbages in the photo.   Also hidden in the other growth are a row of strawberries, that we are currently eating.  Scarlet Runner beans are growing up the teepee-like structure.  Beyond and to the right of the teepee are my rows of peas, which really suffered in the heat. 

    I always take my garden photos low to the ground so you can’t see all of the weeds.  

    I have dug some of my small, early potatoes, which tasted wonderful with butter and salt.  

    The growing conditions were very difficult this year.  Planting got off to a slow start because of an extended cool spring, and then we got the drought and heat.  I did water the garden a couple of times, but not much.  Luckily, the plants hung in there and will give us some produce. 

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1 comment:

  1. I always love seeing your garden. Interesting that you can grow all those things at the same time. But really, you have no choice, the weather seems to support them all. You know here some things need to be planted when the season starts as well as at the end for the weather to be cool enough to sustain the growth of cabbages without bolting and peas from getting tough and starchy.
