Monday 29 July 2024

Local Forest Fire Update

    Above is a photo that shows some of the devastation left after the fire that swept through the townsite in Jasper National Park.  About one third of the buildings in the town were destroyed, but fortunately Di and John’s apartment was spared.   It will probably be about two or three weeks before they will be allowed back in due to the toxins created by the fire and the towns infrastructure that needs to be checked or fixed.

    Some of my other friends didn’t fare so well.  Our veterinarian Janet, had her vet clinic destroyed, and Matt, who did the prints of my painting prints and cards, lost his photography lab and store.  

    While the fire inside the Jasper town site is pretty much out, the larger forest fire that caused it continues to burn through the park.  Reports indicate it could continue to burn for 3 more months.

    Locally, the forest fire east 10 miles of McBride has been brought under control.  Those people who were forced to evacuate were allowed back home.  The big firefighting effort was greatly enhanced by the cool and wet weather that moved in.  (It is raining again today.)    Yesterday the helicopters fighting the fire were continually buzzing back and forth carrying their Bambi buckets, that they dipped into the Fraser River to fill with water, which they then carried and dumped onto the fire.

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1 comment:

  1. Doesn't that bambi bucket look minuscule, like it wouldn't put out a campfire. I know they have to be very large and the helicopter pilots are wonders in their own right. I looked it up and they come in different sizes.
