I have yet to go downtown today to see just how much the price of groceries have plummeted, but everyone knows Trump never tells a lie, and during his campaign he promised to reduce those high food prices that Evil Biden had put in place. The billionaires have, no doubt, worn skin off, rubbing their hands together in glee, now that their taxes will be slashed, and government regulations will disappear.
The Christian Nationalists have had it confirmed that God himself has put Trump in place to kick out those communistic Democrats, who wanted to make life better for people.
Trump’s January 6th Brown Shirts will get their pardons and be free to once again intimidate people, by roaming the streets with their AR-15s and military garb.
Those unsightly brown and black-skinned, pet-eating, immigrants and asylum-seekers, will be rounded up, put in camps, and then deported, leaving good white people to do all those low-paying, manual labor jobs.
Thousands of experienced and non-partisanship employees will be quickly removed from the Federal Government and replaced with Trump sycophants and loyalists, despite their inexperience and abilities.
We will no longer have to worry about all of those terrible natural disasters because the words “climate change” will be removed from all government documents, and those governmental agencies that deal with science will be strictly muzzled. Oil will soon be flowing from National Parks, Nature Reserves, and Monuments. The air will soon be thickly saturated with wonderful carbon. Bring it on, Trump always knows best.
The billionaires that control news and social media, have already “kissed the ring” and changed their algorithms. Elon Musk, who donated hundreds of millions to the Trump Campaign, jumps for joy in the presence of the Great Leader, and other billionaires also quickly donated millions of dollars to Trump’s coronation. In addition to that donation, Amazon’s Bezos has given Melania Trump $40 million dollars so he can do a documentary on the amazing woman.
The Trumps themselves are celebrating the Second Coming of Trump by starting up Trump crypto-currency schemes. Donald Jr. and Eric, already had one, but within the last couple of days, both the President, and his First Lady, have individually, both set up crypto-coin scams. Don’t forget all of the other wonderful Trump products now available: golden Trump tennis shoes, Trump watches, NFT cards showing Trump as Superman and as an Astronaut, Trump Guitars, and of course, the Trump Holy Bible.
Unfortunately there will be some losers in Trump’s Golden Age. Firstly, the Earth and all of the living things that depend upon it. Then, all of the once friendly allies and nations that trade with the United States (including my own country of Canada). All democratic countries will be impacted as Trump, enabled by his sycophantic Congress and Courts, move toward authoritarianism in the US. And sadly also, all those brave, honest, and ethical politicians from both parties, that bravely spoke the truth about Trump.
Yes, a Glorious Future awaits the whole world, starting today.
View my paintings at: davidmarchant2.ca
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