Thursday, 30 January 2025

Pond: Kerep that Water Flowing

     We get our water from Sunbeam Creek which is 4,100 feet (1,250 m) away.  That is a long waterline.  Every winter, to keep the water in it from freezing, we keep the water flowing.  Because the water comes from a running waterfall, and our system is relies on gravity to flow, it doesn’t cost us for either water or electricity.  

    All of that flowing water has to go someplace, and one of the places it goes is into my pond.  Everyday when I walk around the pond, I check the water inflow at one end, and the water outflow from the pond on the other end, to make sure the water is still flowing.  An both ends, the flowing water and a bit warmer, prevents the ice to form on it.  In the rest of the pond, that that still water probably has 10 inches of ice on it.  

    Not only is it gratifying to see that the water is still flowing, but seeing the crystal water surrounded by white rounded mounds of snow is beautiful.

    Above is a photo of the water flowing into the pond, and below is a shot of the water flowing out of the pond at the other end.

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