Saturday, 2 November 2024

The Last Two Leaves

     I took this photo yesterday (today it is snowing).  The leaves on all the trees have fallen, except for these two, atop a young maple that we planted.  We got the infant domesticated maple from Fern,  a friend who is now deceased.  It was a sprout that came up in their yard.  

    The tree did well for the first couple of years, but got clobbered last year during a sudden cold spell during our otherwise mild winter.  This summer, it pretty much had to start all over from the stub that was sticking out of the ground that was still alive.  I was amazed at how quickly it shot up to well over my head.  

    As fall came, I was surprised, thinking the maple’s leaves would turn reddish or orangish, but they were yellow like all of the other trees.  Then starting at the bottom, its leaves slowly dropped, until, as you can see, only the two at the very top remain.

    Hopefully, with its vigorous growth this summer, it will have become hardier and will make it through the winter.

    Here is a painting I did years ago of some fallen maple leaves:

Take a look at my other paintings:

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