Friday 13 July 2018


    I recall Hollyhocks growing beside our back steps as a very small child.  I can’t remember that I had any affection for them at the time, but a long time ago, when I saw a seed packet for the flower, I had a great desire to grow them.  We bought the seeds, put them into our seed box, and then proceeded to forgot them for many years.
    Three years ago, when I was planting the garden, I came across the Hollyhock seed packet, and thought I’d better plant them, because like me, they weren’t getting any younger.  I planted them in the garden, not knowing if they were still viable, but surprisingly they came up and grew.
    I had read that took two years to grow Hollyhocks, first year they just get their footing, and the second year, they throw up a long stalk and produce flowers.  In the fall of that first year, I decided that I would rather have them growing in front of the house, where there is more of the sunlight that they need.  I dug them up and transplanted them, anxious to see what color of flowers they would have the following year.
    Last year they came up, seemed vigorous, and I waited for the tall stalk to form, but alas, it never developed.  I was dismayed, knowing that this was the second year of the plant.  I wondered if I should just admit failure, but I left the Hollyhocks in the ground, not really expecting to see them again.
    This year they once again came up, and even more vigorously.  I became optimistic, and as they grew, to my great relief, I saw buds forming.  Then stalks started to emerge.  The stalks are now 5 and 6 ft (1.5 and 1.8m) tall.  
    Below is what they look like today.  We still don’t know what color the blooms will be.  Joan says, “Anything is alright except black.”  I’ll keep you posted when we actually see the flowers.

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